Rural Hill to Khyber Pass
Approximate distance: 2.5 miles
At Rural Hill the Trail begins again, after a detour either around or through Hamilton. What is now Trimingham Road was the route the old railway took out of Hamilton, and when you reach Middle Road a right turn brings you to the start of the next Trail section.
The Trail soon ducks under Middle Road through the railway’s longest tunnel, continuing past Elbow Beach station and passing close to Paget Marsh Nature Reserve. The route continues through the middle of Paget, running alongside Warwick Pond just before reaching Khyber Pass.
(The Trail maps in this tour come from the Bermuda Tourism Railway Trail brochure. Please pick up a copy if you are in Bermuda.)
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Start your walk at Rural Hill:
The Trail east starts at the top of Trimingham Hill
Rural Hill tunnel
Elbow Beach station
Elbow Beach station plaque
Trail barrier west of Elbow Beach
One of many cuttings in Paget.
Biking on the Trail
Lush greenery, and this is January!
Another deep cutting
Looking west
Another cutting
Flatter and wider
Tribe Road #2?
Tree tunnel
Bermuda agriculture
Another tree tunnel
Almost in Warwick
Passing the Belmont golf course
A former railway trestle site
Plaque at Warwick Pond