Flatts to Palmetto Park
Approximate distance: 1.75 miles
At Flatts a new Trail footbridge is under construction. When it is complete you will be able to walk across the mouth of Flatts Inlet and continue on towards Hamilton. Until then you will have to walk through Flatts and around the Inlet.
Beyond Flatts the Trail soon climbs up a bit higher through lush vegetation on the hillside, then gives continuous views across towards Dockyard in the distance. After a couple of miles you will reach Palmetto Park, where the Trail stops as you approach Hamilton.
(The Trail maps in this tour come from the Bermuda Tourism Railway Trail brochure. Please pick up a copy if you are in Bermuda.)
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Start your walk by looking at the new footbridge site over Flatts Inlet:
Railway bridge piers at Flatts Inlet
Looking towards Flatts Inlet
New footbridge over North Shore Road
Trail signs old and new
New Trail sign
Out in the country!
Back to the road
Gibbet Island seen from the Trail
Lush vegetation
Railway cutting
Looking east
Looking west
Still on the Trail
Looking west
New Trail sign
Looking west
Bridge over Barkers Hill
A view from the bridge
Looking east
Approaching Palmetto Road