Flatts to Hamilton
Flatts was the site for one of the railway’s three steel bridges, crossing high above Flatts Inlet and leaving plenty of room for vessels to get in and out. Further west the railway passed Prospect, site of the British garrison, and approaching Hamilton a station served the government Tennis Stadium. In Hamilton itself the railway came down from the north and then entered Par-La-Ville tunnel, which took it down to Front Street.
- The centre span of Flatts bridgeThe story goes that during WWII an American pilot once flew his plane under the span. See this location today
- The tennis stadium north of HamiltonThe railway had a stop at the government Tennis Stadium, just north of Hamilton. Look closely and you can see the line of the railway at the top of the picture. See this location today
- Railway line alongside the Bermudiana poolThe railway line passed just west of the old Bermudiana Hotel pool. On the left you can just make out the north portal of the railway tunnel under Par la Ville park. See this location today