The Bermuda Railway
“So you tell me that Bermuda used to have a railway?”
“Yes. Cars were banned so in 1931 they opened a railway instead.”
“But why didn’t they want any cars?”
“Tourists came for peace and quiet, and Bermudians were afraid that cars might drive them away...”
These pages tell the story of the 22-mile-long railway that served Bermuda from 1931 to 1948.
- The History of the Bermuda Railway pages explain how Bermuda decided to build a railway, long after everyone else, and why it only survived for 17 years.
- The Railway in Operation describes the railway’s passenger and freight operations, and its rolling stock.
- People of the Bermuda Railway will present some of the people involved in the railway.
- Take a Trip on the Bermuda Railway provides a photo tour of period photographs and postcards.
- What Might Have Been considers what could have happened if the railway had not been closed down in 1948.
- Bermuda Railway FAQ will try to answer some of your questions about the railway.
- Bermuda Railway Resources presents some of the sources I have used to produce this site.