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Railway Trail tunnel in Paget has lights again

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

The Royal Gazette tells us that the broken lights in the Trail tunnel at Rural Hill have been repaired.

Good. Now what about the Bailey’s Bay repairs, not to mention the unfinished Flatts Bridge?

Bailey’s Bay bridge repairs in sight?

Friday, October 25th, 2024

For some time people have been complaining that the handrails on the Bailey’s Bay Trail footbridge have been shedding fibreglass particles, which can cause skin irritation.

Now the Parks Dept. have closed the bridge for maintenance. The story in the Royal Gazette quotes the department: “the department is sourcing overseas coating materials to repair the railings”.

Let us hope that the repairs do not take forever (unlike the completion of the new Flatts footbridge, which appears to be permanently stalled).

Bermuda Railway Videos

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Ken Butz has collected a large number of vintage videos on his YouTube channel, including several that show the Bermuda Railway. With his kind permission I have linked to them from this website, and I have just added a new one. Visit the page.

(I have been meaning to add this one for months!)

More new Trail pictures

Monday, November 13th, 2023

We managed to get back to Bermuda recently and walked a bit of the Trail, so there are a couple of new pictures in the Rural Hill-Khyber Pass section.

(Still no news on the Flatts footbridge!)

New Trail pictures

Tuesday, June 20th, 2023

Thanks to site visitor David Colman, the Trail Photo Tour section has a few new pictures, taken while David was visiting Bermuda this spring.

(As for Flatts Bridge news, unfortunately there is none; the project still seems stalled, and I have not been able to get any information.)

Flatts bridge apparently stalled

Friday, August 5th, 2022

I recently visited Bermuda for the first time in three years. As earlier reported, the Flatts Trail bridge is still not completed and it appears to be stalled.

However, a nice new parking lot has been built at the Flatts Trail entrance, so once the bridge is finished it will be easy to get to.

Problem for new Flatts Trail bridge

Wednesday, April 13th, 2022

The Royal Gazette reports that an underwater cave has been found in the path of the new Flatts Trail footbridge. Studies are underway to see if any of the planned foundations need to be moved. Find out more in the Royal Gazette article.

Former Bermuda Railway buildings available for lease

Friday, January 28th, 2022

The Bermuda government is offering five-year leases on the old Elbow Beach (aka Harmony Hall), seen above, and Riddell’s Bay station buildings. How about a Bermuda model railway shop (I wish)? Find out more in the Royal Gazette article.

Railway book reviewed in NMB MariTimes magazine

Monday, December 27th, 2021

In the latest issue of the National Museum of Bermuda’s MariTimes magazine (Vol. 34, 2021), Canadian historian Duncan McDowall reviews my book, The Bermuda Railway. The magazine is available online and the review is on page 13. 

I think McDowall has captured exactly what I was trying to do with the book, and I could not be more pleased.

Trail bridge at Flatts nears completion

Friday, December 10th, 2021

The Royal Gazette reports that the new Trail bridge at Flatts is nearing completion. The Friends of the Railway Trail are not willing to set an exact date, but the bridge will probably be open in January or February. Read the December 9 Gazette story.

Garden Club donation towards Flatts footbridge

Monday, November 29th, 2021

The Royal Gazette reports that the Bermuda Garden Club has donated $10,000 to the Friends of the Bermuda Railway Trail to help with the new Trail bridge at Flatts. Read the November 29 Gazette story.

Flatts footbridge to be finished by October (updated)

Monday, October 18th, 2021

The Royal Gazette reports that work continues on the new Railway Trail bridge at Flatts. It should be open by October. Read the August 9 Gazette story or see the September 2 update.

Missed the book launch? Now you can watch it on video.

Friday, May 7th, 2021

The National Museum has posted a recording of the May 6 book launch of The Bermuda Railway on its website and on Vimeo, so you can watch it at your leisure.

National Museum launches railway book

Friday, May 7th, 2021

The National Museum of Bermuda officially launched my book, The Bermuda Railway, in an online event held the evening of May 6. The book can now be ordered from the Museum Shop or The Bookmart. Learn more.

Museum blog republishes railway article

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021

In the run-up to the May 6 virtual book launch for my history, The Bermuda Railway, the National Museum of Bermuda blog has republished my 2012 MariTimes article on the railway. Read the blog entry.

Gazette announces railway book

Thursday, April 29th, 2021

The Royal Gazette has announced the publication of my history, The Bermuda Railway, and provided a link to registration for the May 6 launch. Read the story.

Progress on Flatts Trail bridge

Wednesday, March 24th, 2021

The Royal Gazette reports that access ramps to the Flatts Trail bridge main span should be done by April or May. Read the newspaper’s report. 

History of the railway published

Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021

My history of the Bermuda Railway has been published by the National Museum of Bermuda and will be available for $35 plus shipping.

Find out more.

New Bermuda Railway video posted

Saturday, February 27th, 2021

Ken Butz has added a new Bermuda Railway video to his YouTube channel. You can see it here on the Videos page.

Questions form now works

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

My apologies to anyone who tried to submit a question or comment. The Questions form has now been fixed.

Bermuda Railway Pages site updated

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2021

At long last I have updated this website. It is now responsive, which means it can be viewed on all types of devices, and is compliant with today’s standard privacy rules. It also has a lot more content, about both the railway and the Railway Trail.

I am still dealing with a few errors, and if you see anything that doesn’t work for you, please let me know using the Questions? form.

Bored at home?

Thursday, January 28th, 2021

Try an online jigsaw puzzle on the National Museum of Bermuda website. They even have one showing the Bermuda Railway in the Hall of History mural.

Flatts Trail footbridge main span installed

Monday, December 14th, 2020

Bernews reports that the main span of the Trail footbridge across Flatts Inlet has been installed. See pictures and a video on the Bernews site. 

Please note that the bridge is incomplete and will be closed to the public until it is officially opened sometime next spring.

Flatts Trail footbridge getting close

Saturday, December 12th, 2020

A story in Bernews warns that marine traffic into Flatts Inlet will be restricted on Monday, Dec, 14 as the main span of the Flatts Railway Trail footbridge is moved into place. Yay! Getting close!

Bailey’s Bay Trail section reopened

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

A section of the Railway Trail near Bailey’s Bay that was closed for repairs was reopened in early November. A crumbling cliff face has been stabilized with a retaining wall.

See the story on the Royal Gazette website.

Travel to Bermuda during Covid-19

Tuesday, October 13th, 2020


International travel during the current pandemic is generally very restricted. Bermuda does allow in visitors, but there are clear guidelines to follow. Please take a look at the Bermuda government pandemic information page for travellers to find out more.

Today in Bermuda Railway History

Sunday, October 4th, 2020
“Railway Passenger Injured by Missile Throwers”

This was the headline in the October 4, 1932 issue of the Royal Gazette.  Police were “seeking miscreants” after stones were thrown through  a train’s windows as it was leaving Pond Hill station on its way to Hamilton.

A piece of flying glass injured a passenger.

There is no indication that said miscreants were ever caught, but this was just one of several sabotage incidents that affected the railway in 1932. Before long, however, the sabotage problem seems to have faded away.

Trail closed for repairs near Bailey’s Bay

Monday, March 9th, 2020

The Railway Trail is closed until sometime in May for repairs between the Bailey’s Bay bridge and the next new footbridge further west, as shown here. See the story on the Royal Gazette website. Thanks to David Colman for the picture.

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