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Welcome to the Bermuda Railway Pages

Bermuda used to have a railway, and now it has a railway trail. This website will talk about both of them and, whether you are a railway buff or a Bermuda enthusiast, I think you will find something of interest.

The Bermuda Railway pages tell the story of the 22-mile-long railway that served Bermuda from 1931 to 1948. This section explains how Bermuda entered the modern era with a railway, rather than road transportation, and why the railway only survived for the remarkably short period of 17 years. It describes the Bermuda Railway’s passenger and freight operations, and its rolling stock. A tour of the line presents pictures of the line in its heyday. An FAQ tries to answer your questions.

The Bermuda Railway Trail is the linear park that is all that remains of the old railway. It provides Bermudians and visitors alike with a wonderful, alternative way to see Bermuda. Outside the City of Hamilton (where signs of the railway have disappeared under more than 70 years of growth), almost all of the old right of way is available for walking, cycling, riding and, in some sections, even roller-blading. A photo tour gives you an idea of what to expect, and an FAQ will answer specific questions.

Welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy it and find it useful. If you have never seen Bermuda, I hope it encourages you to visit. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send them along.

Please note: As far as I know, all the historical pictures on this website are out of copyright. If you see any pictures on this site that you think should not be published here, please let me know. All the Railway Trail pictures are copyright, © Simon Horn, unless otherwise indicated.